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Strategic risk management

COMCAM’s duty of care never stops. We ensure that energy risks for clients remain limited by analysing and acting strategically.


Rate versus risk

Every growing business will sooner or later have to take a critical look at how they use and procure energy. As an entrepreneur, you want to cover risks and save energy costs in the short and long term.

Energy policy is about rates and risk. In a perfect scenario, you take full advantage of price drops in the energy market while the energy supply runs smoothly and is guaranteed.

There is no such thing as a single energy strategy

Energy management is a tailor-made solution. Your corporate profile is thus central to the energy strategy we recommend. We do so by using various analyses and strategic and dynamic methods.

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Risk management relating to commodities

We base risk management around commodities on four pillars.

  • A risk management strategy can protect you from rising prices and helps you benefit from declining markets.
  • Once COMCAM and you have defined your energy strategy, we will start implementing it. We make sure that you stay within the limits of your budget. This offers you assurance.
  • Our analysts base all their decisions on pure market data. We continuously analyse that data to inform you, the client, of your opportunities.
  • We act strategically. We fix energy prices at the right time or consciously decide not to act.

To anticipate risks, COMCAM usually opts for ‘Buy and hold’ procurement tactics.

Sometimes you have a market position that needs to be maintained no matter what. You want to anticipate market risks and opportunities wherever you are located consciously.

Do select a risk strategy based on your company’s risk tolerance. This way, you can procure energy confidently and know the reward after the risk. With insight into market trends, your energy procurement strategy will deliver good results.

COMCAM can take care of your risk management.

Our analyses allow us to spot both risks and opportunities early on. We base our actions for your business on the energy targets we have set with you.

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Procure energy with confidence

In summary, energy risk management for your organisation is about the following.

  • Adjust your energy portfolio as soon as market prices change.
  • Track your energy procurement performance through visualisations.
  • Relax while knowing that your financial goals are actively managed.
  • Identify the value of and risk exposure for your current portfolio.
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Energy Portfolio Management

Risk management is part of Energy Portfolio Management. Do check out the other components.


Our specialists continuously review your company’s situation in the context of COMCAM’s energy market analyses.

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Procurement strategy

We develop a successful future-proof energy procurement strategy based on your energy consumption and requirements.

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We manage energy profiles on various energy exchanges. We buy at the right time and at a favourable rate.

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Contact us

We will discuss the possibilities of Energy Portfolio Management together. Our first conversation comes without obligations. Please call us at  +31 118 760 760.


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