Ik heb een:

SME collective

Join forces as a collective and provide yourself with long-term steady energy management. The energy market is volatile. COMCAM develops a strategy and provides lasting security – now and in the long term.

Energy management: opportunities for your SME collective

It may be wise to decide on energy collectively as a business association or cooperative. A collective decision contributes to the following:

  • Stable supply
    No uncertainty about the energy supply will become increasingly important in the future.
  • Cost management
    As an entrepreneur, you want to know where you stand, preferably saving energy costs or, with increasing market prices, controlling that increase.
  • Business sustainability
    Sustainable development is much more practical if you collaborate with multiple entrepreneurs at once. It provides additional benefits and subsidy opportunities.
  • Practical handling
    Within the collective, one liaison can negotiate and arrange energy contracts.
  • Collective clout
    As a collective, you can achieve much more than an individual company.

In summary, you can focus your energy on your own business as an individual entrepreneur. COMCAM will take care of your energy management through Energy Portfolio Management.

Energy Portfolio Management

Advantages for your SME collective


COMCAM analyses the volatile energy market and reports its findings.


We develop a long-term energy strategy for the collective.


We take care of energy negotiation and procurement for the SME collective.

Day-to-day handling

We take care of contracts and are the liaison for practical matters.

Key conclusions

From the needs survey among SME entrepreneurs

  • The SME needs survey (2022) showed obvious needs among entrepreneurs regarding energy.
  • Entrepreneurs need financial and personal support. They are looking for sparring partners in areas they do not master themselves.
  • Unpredictable economic conditions, pandemics such as COVID-19 and governmental policies weigh heavily on entrepreneurs.
  • Entrepreneurs struggle to uncover the information relevant to them from the vast array of available information.
  • Entrepreneurs affiliated with trade organisations know better whom to turn to for information.

Forward-looking entrepreneurs are struggling

With major uncertainties such as COVID-19 and energy prices, some of the foundations of entrepreneurship have disappeared. Entrepreneurs need support. This is also the case for independent entrepreneurs who typically wish to take matters into their own hands.

Entrepreneurs need support. This is true even among entrepreneurs traditionally seen as being ‘strong’.

A collective of entrepreneurs can provide that support, including through networking events. An entrepreneurial collective can also reduce the deluge of information to appropriate and manageable proportions.

Client case office building

Multiple companies use a shared office building with a large roof. They want to use the rooftop to generate energy using solar panels. All companies have separate energy meters. What are the possibilities?

Read more View all cases

Your energy-related challenges

Each sector has its specific challenges and requirements regarding energy consumption. The same is true for a collective of entrepreneurs within SMEs. Do you recognise the following questions?

  • Will my energy supply remain steady in the future?
  • What will I save if rates are clicked smartly?
  • Does it make sense to switch from gas to electricity?
  • Does sustainability offer business opportunities?
  • What are the legal obligations and available subsidies?

COMCAM geeft antwoord op deze vragen en gaat, als u dat wilt, aan de slag met het verbeteren van uw energiesituatie. Dat doen we via Energie Portfolio Management.

Independent in energy


Our specialists have been managing energy procurement for businesses since 2010. We do this through Energy Portfolio Management. We perform energy analyses, offer advice, determine your strategy and, if needed, take care of your energy procurement.

Stable & Affordable

Do not worry about supply or costs. We achieve a stable energy supply and save costs.


We list the business opportunities the energy transition offers: sustainable energy generation, energy storage, subsidies and financing.


Our energy analysts monitor what is happening in the energy market 24/7. We share our insights with our clients.

Following laws and regulations

We apply current laws and regulations to the energy strategy for your business.

What our clients say

“Short lines of communication, advice at any level, expertise, no complicated stuff. Exactly what matters and not unimportantly, at a competitive rate. Precisely by looking ahead, assessing the market and acting accordingly.”

“Have been a client for years, to my complete satisfaction. Real specialists who give you relevant advice and offer significant savings on energy costs. They completely unburden you. Saving is so easy and carefree!”

“Your structurally independent advice in these turbulent energy times helps me tremendously in risk assessment of my energy procurement and sustainability choices.”

“Commitment, always accessible and quick service prevail. Our account manager is a top advisor!”

“COMCAM has already saved me much money. Top company with expertise and excellent service.”

“We feel at home here and are not a number as we have experienced with others. They are easy to reach, can switch gears quickly and take care of us from A to Z.”

“My account manager at COMCAM knows what we want as an organisation. He gets started right away and makes sure everything gets done.”

“It is nice that they take the time for you at COMCAM. They explore what they can do for you. This makes it very personal and makes you feel good.”

“Thank you for your ever-professional help in these busy and bizarre energy times.”

“COMCAM, highly recommended.”

“Short lines of communication, advice at any level, expertise, no complicated stuff. Exactly what matters and not unimportantly, at a competitive rate. Precisely by looking ahead, assessing the market and acting accordingly.”

Michel Kloeg
Jeroen Visser
Jan Pieter van der Houwen
Klaas Vlieger
Sales manager
Jan de Visser
Pieter de Winter
Nico Roozen
Edwin Marijs
Janis van Overveld
Marco Hodde
Eveline Kern

Contact us

We will discuss the possibilities of Energy Portfolio Management for your company or organisation. Our first conversation comes without obligations. Please call us at +31 118 760 760.


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