Financing your energy transition
You want to comply with the Energy Transition. That means investing in your business. For industrial clients, we collaborate with GETEC Benelux, a specialist in sustainable solutions. GETEC facilitates a practical and financial transition from gas to electricity.
Sustainable investments
The energy transition is a sustainable initiative involving significant investments. Therefore, COMCAM cooperates with GETEC Benelux for industrial clients.
Together with GETEC, we explore the business opportunities of more sustainable energy sources. Through our Energy Efficiency Scan, we look at the sustainability potential of all energy carriers.
Energy Efficiency Scan
Using an Energy Efficiency Scan, we examine your organisation’s scores on the components listed below. Based on this, we make recommendations.
- Laws and regulations
- CO2 allowances
- Reuse of residual energy flows such as heat and steam
- Subsidy opportunities
- Financing possibilities
Zooming in on industrial companies
The page below focuses on the role COMCAM can play for industrial companies.
Independent in energy
Our specialists have been managing energy procurement for businesses since 2010. We do this through Energy Portfolio Management. We perform energy analyses, offer advice, determine your strategy and, if needed, take care of your energy procurement.
Stable & Affordable
Do not worry about supply or costs. We achieve a stable energy supply and save costs.
We list the business opportunities the energy transition offers: sustainable energy generation, energy storage, subsidies and financing.
Our energy analysts monitor what is happening in the energy market 24/7. We share our insights with our clients.
Following laws and regulations
We apply current laws and regulations to the energy strategy for your business.
Contact us
COMCAM actively advises you on financing the energy transition. Our first conversation comes without obligations. You can call us at +31 118 760 760.